Category: Emergency Services
Possible Risk Category Change
Warning Week Data Indicates Possible Change to Moderate Risk Category Early indications received late yesterday from Governor Kate Brown and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) state that Union County may be able to move to the COVID-19 Moderate Risk Level on January 15. Preliminary data is based on case counts, and as we move into the…
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
COVID-19 Vaccine Information Union County Emergency Services hosted a COVID-19 vaccine education meeting on Tuesday, December 29. The initial presentation was geared toward a key audience of local police, fire, EMS, public health, public works and other essential government and nongovernment employees, but is being shared with the general public through the recorded session below. …
County Remains in Extreme Risk Category
Union County Remains in Extreme Risk Category The two-week freeze established by Governor Kate Brown was extended in accordance with the Governor and Oregon Health Authority’s new matrix. Under the new matrix Union County will remain in the “Extreme Risk” category. Some of the restrictions with the Extreme Risk category include outdoor visitations only to…
Union County Placed on Two-week Pause by Governor Brown
Union County Placed on Two-week Pause by Governor Brown Union County COVID-19 cases continue to increase and have exceeded the 60 cases in 14 days benchmark put forth by the Governor last week. As such, Governor Brown has placed Union County on a two-week pause, beginning Wednesday, November 11 and continuing until November 25. …
Regulated Use Fire Season Ends October 15
Union County Ends Regulated Use Fire Season for 2020 The Union County Regulated Use Fire Season will cease at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, October 15, 2020. The Union County Board of Commissioners had previously extended the annual fire season through October 15 at the recommendation of the Union County Fire Defense Board at an emergency…
County Extends Regulated Use Fire Season
Union County Extends Regulated Use Fire Season Union County Board of Commissioners voted in an emergency session today to extend the annual Regulated Use Fire Season to October 15, 2020 at the recommendation of the Union County Fire Defense Board. As specified in County Ordinance 2018-01, the commissioners may extend the season based on current…
Union County Begins Regulated Fire Season
Union County Begins Regulated Fire Season Annual regulated use fire season outside of city limits began July 1, 2020. County Officials caution that even though the weather has been unseasonably cool, conditions can change rapidly causing fine fuels such as leaves needles, twigs, branches, bark, and grasses to dry out quickly. This can create significant…
Voluntary Return to Phase 1
Voluntary Return to Phase 1 June 17, 2020 The Union County Incident Management Team (IMT) issued a recommendation to the Union County Board of Commissioners at a regularly scheduled meeting this morning requesting citizens voluntarily return to Phase 1 regulations. The Board approved the request as a recommendation to the community. This is not a…
Union County Receives Approval for Phase 2
June 4, 2020 Union County Receives Approval for Phase 2 Union County received approval today from Governor Kate Brown to proceed to Phase 2 of Reopening. This will go into effect on Friday, June 5. The letter may be read in entirety here Union County Phase 2 Letter of Approval Key items for Phase 2…
Union County Incident Management Team Transition
Union County Incident Management Team Transition Contact: NE Oregon JIC (541)963-1098 June 2, 2020 16:00 La Grande, Oregon – Today, the Union County Incident Management Team transferred command of the Union County coronavirus response to the Center for Human Development, Union County Public Health. The local response to COVID-19 has slowed to a pace that…
Union County Submits Request for Phase 2
Union County Submits Request for Phase 2 A letter was submitted to Governor Kate Brown on Friday, May 29 formally requesting advancement to Phase 2 Reopening. All required benchmarks for Phase 1 have been completed and maintained by the county. The state requires that the county must remain in Phase 1 until the minimum requirement…
Commissioners to Consider Union County Reopening Plan
Commissioners to Consider Union County Reopening Plan April 30, 2020 UPDATED: The Emergency Commission Meeting scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2020 at 2 PM will recess until 3 PM when discussion will begin. Union County Board of Commissioners will be holding an emergency meeting tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting will…