Category: Public Works

  • UC Airport Request for DBE Comments

    UC AIRPORT REQUEST FOR DBE COMMENTS   May 14, 2019 The County hereby announces its fiscal years 2018 through 2020 goal of 0.7% for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) airport construction Contracts. The proposed goals and rationale is available for inspection between 7:00 am and 5:30 pm, Monday through Thursday at Union County Public Works, 10153…

  • Notice of Airport Improvements

    Notice of Airport Improvements The La Grande Airport is establishing a new overall goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in its federally-funded Capital Improvement Projects scheduled in FY 18-20. This includes consultation with general contractor groups, community organizations, and other officials or organizations which could be expected to have information concerning the availability of…

  • Mt. Emily Recreation Area Advisory Committee in need of Members

      Mt. Emily Recreation Area Advisory Committee in need of Members The Mt. Emily Recreation Area (MERA) Advisory Committee has positions expiring and needing to be filled. The advisory committee meets approximately 4 times a year to discuss and help guide the management of the MERA and provide recommendations to the Union County Board of…

  • Ordinance 2018-02, Airport Master Plan

    PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINANCE CONSIDERATION   The Union County Board of Commissioners meeting in regular session on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 will consider at 10:00 a.m. the adoption of Ordinance 2018-02, In the Matter of an Ordinance Adopting Updates to the La Grande/Union County Airport Master Plan. The meeting will be held in the Joseph Annex…

  • Union County Request for Quotation

    Union County Request for Quotation The Union County Public Works Department is requesting quotation on the replacement of the Wolf Creek dock system at Wolf Creek Reservoir, Union County, Oregon. Project drawings and specifications are available at the Union County Public Works Department, 10513 N McAlister Road and at the County Commissioners’ office, 1106 K…

  • RFQ – Airport Consultant

    REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS CONSULTING ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES La Grande/Union County Airport Union County, Oregon hereby requests statements of qualifications from qualified Consulting Architectural/Engineering Firms to provide engineering services associated with the planning, design, and construction of airport development projects at the La Grande/Union County Municipal Airport. Work is expected to be accomplished during the course of…

  • Roadside Vegetation Spraying

    Roadside Vegetation Spraying Union County will begin our roadside spraying program in the month of March to control vegetation and noxious weeds that are encroaching on road shoulders and right of ways. In most locations, spraying will extend four to eight feet from pavement edges. Property owners who do not want herbicides applied near their…

  • RFQ – A/E Services for Union County Airport Rappel Base

    REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES UNION COUNTY AIRPORT RAPPEL BASE Union County, Oregon is seeking the services of qualified Architectural and Engineering (A/E) design team for the new Union County Airport Rappel Base building in La Grande, Oregon. The A/E team will work with the airport consultant retained by the County in…

  • RFQ – Engineer Services

    Union County requests proposals from qualified Consulting Engineering Firms to provide open-ended engineering services for Planning, Preliminary Engineering, Design, and Construction Engineering services for various County road, bridge, and public works projects. Copies of the Request for Qualifications may be obtained from Union County Administrative Office, 1106 K Avenue, La Grande, and Complete proposals…

  • Road Closures

    No closures to report at this time

  • MERA Motorized & Non-Motorized Advisory Committees Meeting

    PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE UNION COUNTY MT. EMILY RECREATION AREA MOTORIZED & NON-MOTORIZED ADVISORY COMMITTEES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Union County Mt. Emily Recreation Area Advisory Committees will hold a joint meeting: Wednesday, May 17, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. Joseph Building Annex, Large Conference Room, 1106 K Avenue, La Grande, Oregon. The public is invited to…

  • RFP – MERA Pasture Lease

    REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Union County is accepting proposals to lease pasture land of 3700 acres (more or less) on the County property known as Mt. Emily Recreation Area (MERA) for cattle grazing purposes only. The Grazing Season will run from June 1 to October 15, with a lease term of 5 years, conditional renewable of…