Union County Public Records Request Procedure

    1. Requests must be in writing and must be as specific as possible. Use of the Union County Public Records Request Form is preferred.
    1. Submit request to Union County Administrative Officer Shelley Burgess, 1106 K Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850, or by fax at 541-963-1079, or by e-mail at sburgess@union-county.org.
    1. If inspection of documents is preferred over copies, such inspection shall occur during normal business hours.
    1. If a cost is anticipated, Union County will submit a cost estimate to the requestor to provide the requested documents, including copying charges, research time (if required), and separating exempt from nonexempt materials. There is no research cost for the first ½ hour of staff time. Requestor must confirm to Union County their desire to proceed with the request following receipt of the cost estimate. Detailed costs are listed in Court Order 2021-19 adopted pursuant to ORS 192.234.
    1. If the estimated cost is $25.00 or more, Union County shall require payment in the full amount of the estimate before fulfilling the request. If the actual cost exceeds the estimate, Union County will not release the documents until the fee is received in full.
    1. If the estimated cost is less than $25.00, Union County will fulfill the request and present the requestor with an invoice to be paid before release of the documents.
    1. Requestors will receive acknowledgement of their written request or fulfillment of the request within 5 business days as required by ORS 192.324.
  1. Requests involving a large volume of documents, considerable research, or legal review for redaction will be provided as soon as practicable in accordance with ORS 192.329.