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Union County
The Union County web site is devoted to bringing county government information to you, the citizen. We endeavor to keep you abreast of the activities of your elected officials and county departments. We hope you will return to visit often. Review of Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability required before relying on data or information available on or through this web site.
Buffalo Peak Golf Course
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Birth Certificate
If You Were Born in the U.S. For a certified copy of you birth certificate, contact the vital records office in the state where you were born for instructions on how to request a copy and information on any fees. Oregon Vital Records Office: If you need to get a copy of your birth certificate quickly, ask the vital records office at the time you place your order about getting expedited service or shipping. If You Were Born Abroad, or on a Military Base Abroad If you were born to American parents abroad, they should have registered your birth with the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in that country, and received a Consular Report of Birth Abroad. You can get a copy of this report from the U.S. Department of State (DOS). Depending on the country, a vital records office in the nation may also list the birth. If you were born on a military base abroad, and your parents did not register your birth with the U.S. Embassy, you may have to contact the hospital where the birth took place. You may also try contacting the base operator or public affairs office for the appropriate military branch. If You Were Born Abroad and…
Marriage License
County Clerk and Recorder’s Office 541-963-1006 Monday through Thursday – 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Friday – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm [table th=0 colwidth=”200|200|200|200″ colalign=”center|center|center|center”]Clerk,Elections,Marriage,Recording[/table] Union County issues marriage licenses at the Clerk’s Office: 1001 Fourth Street La Grande, OR 97850 Office hours: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Monday through Thursday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Friday Applicants must be at least 18 years of age; applicants 17 years of age may obtain a marriage license with a signed consent form from either parent or a guardian. To obtain a marriage license, an official marriage license application must be completed and signed by the bride and groom. Applications are completed in the clerk’s Office and both the bride and groom must be present. The fee for the license is $50.00, payable by cash, money order or check. After the license is issued, there is a three- day waiting period before the license may be used. You may request a waiver of the waiting period. Once the license becomes effective, the couple has 60 days to have the ceremony performed anywhere in Oregon. This period is not extendable; if the 60 day limit is exceeded, a new license must be…
Property Tax
Traffic Citation
Union County Justice Court CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD PAYMENTS Credit / Debit Cards: 4.0% fee ($2.00 minimum) Point & Pay, our third party payment service provider, assesses a convenience for fee payments made for this service. Union County does not retain any portion of the fee. Your payment must be completed by the court date stated on the citation. PAYMENTS BY TELEPHONE, CALL Point & Pay at (888) 891-6064. By paying citations using the link below, it is understood that you have read and agree to the terms as set forth in Union County’s DISCLAIMER Statement. Click here to pay your citation online Union County Justice Court 10605 Island Avenue Island City, OR 97850 541-962-2997
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities Union County has the following positions open: Reserve Corrections Deputy Employment Application Union County is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
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Community Corrections
UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision, and probation offenders and person-to-person misdemeanant offenders. A parolee is someone whose crime occurred before November 1, 1989 and was sentenced to the custody of the Department of Corrections for an indeterminate amount of time, the length determined by the Board of Parole. Upon completion of that sentence the offender is released into the community on parole. An offender on post-prison is someone whose crime occurred after November 1, 1989 and was sentenced to the custody of the Department of Corrections (if there is at least one sentence of thirteen months or more) or the Union County Supervisory Authority (in cases where there is no one sentence of thirteen months or more) for a determinate time under Sentencing Guidelines. Upon completion of the sentence the offender is released on post-prison supervision. A probationer is someone sentenced to community supervision. A jail sentence may be involved as a condition of the probation. Parole/probation officer’s duties include making home visits…
Emergency Services
UNION COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES *NEW* Sign up for Emergency Notifications Follow us on Facebook Links Ambulance Service Advisory Plan Burn Ordinance Community Wildfire Protection Plan Emergency Operations Plan Emergency Preparedness Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Ready, Set, Go Evacuation Document Solar Eclipse 2017 Union County Hazard Vulnerability Analysis External Links Active Shooter Safety Tips Air Quality Current Snotel Data Heat-Related Illness Union County Emergency Services plan for, prepare for, respond to, recover from and mitigate for natural and human caused emergencies affecting Union County. This is accomplished through close cooperation and coordination with state, federal and primarily local emergency response agencies. Emergency Services places an emphasis on personal preparedness as a part of overall county emergency planning. Union County Emergency Services JB Brock, Emergency Manager 1106 K Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850 541-963-1009 Fax: 541-963-1079 TTY: 1-800-735-1232 Disclaimer
Smoke Management
Union County Smoke Management Air Quality Links: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality – Oregon Air Quality Oregon Air Quality Index – 30 day History PRESCRIBED BURNING (FOREST LAND) The burning of slash (forest residue) piles as a forest management tool. Forest landowners and managers in Union County conduct prescribed burning normally during the spring and fall months. AGRICULTURAL BURNING The burning of residue in grass seed and cereal crop fields for sanitizing fields due to fungus diseases and weed contaminants. WOOD STOVE BURNING RESIDENTIAL OPEN BURNING SMOKE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM BURNING FACTS PRESCRIBED BURNING (FOREST LAND) Northwest Interagency Coordination Center Fire Season – local forest fire situation and fire weather forecasts. National Weather Service Oregon Department of Forestry Frequently Asked Questions (Prescribed Burning) 1. Who has responsibility for slash burning, and isn’t slash burning under the same rules as the field burning program? The Oregon Department of Forestry is responsible for managing the smoke from slash burning, which occurs throughout much of the year. It operates under a smoke management plan to try to minimize smoke intrusions into populated areas. 2. Are there any smoke management requirements for forest landowners or managers who conduct burning? Forest landowners and managers are encouraged…
Commissioner’s Corner
[table th=”0″ delimiter=”|” colwidth=”150|150|150|150|150|150″ colalign=”center|center|center|center|center|center”] 2018|2017|2016|2015|2014|2013|Older [/table] [table delimiter=”|” colwidth=”200|200″ colalign=”center|center”] Agenda*|Minutes** January 3, 2018 | | [/table] *Regular Union County Board of Commission meetings are scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month but are subject to change with notification. **Sound recordings of Board of Commissioners meetings may be obtained prior to availability of written minutes by making a request to the Union County Administrative Office, (541)963-1001.
Board of Commissioners Commissioner Steve McClure – Chairman Commissioner Jack Howard Commissioner Donna Beverage MISSION STATEMENT The Union County Board of Commissioners, as a body and as individually elected officials, shall strive to provide to the citizens of Union County cost effective, professional, and courteous service within budgeted funds, maximizing use of all available dollars from state and federal sources. We shall fulfill the responsibilities assigned to us in the U.S. Constitution and the Laws and Constitution of the State of Oregon. We shall provide services in a transparent, honest, and efficient manner. We will encourage public involvement and cooperation to identify present and future needs and solutions. We are dedicated to providing positive leadership and quality service. The Union County Board of Commissioners is made up of 3 non-partisan positions. Commissioners are elected quadrennially with Positions No. 1 and No. 2 elected at the same time (2010, 2014, etc.) and position No. 3 in the intervening years (2012, 2016 etc.). The position of Board Chair rotates among the Commissioners each year in January. As the County’s governing body, the Board of Commissioners has the leading role in policy, legislative and administration duties. It alone is empowered to pass an…
Homeowners and Tenants
Prepare Your Home for Wildfires
Keep Your Home and Property Safe
Fire Evacuation Procedures Wildfire Preparedness
Sign Up for Emergency Notifications
Forest Owners and Managers
Land Manager’s Guide for Creating Fire-Resistant Forests
Reducing Fire Risk on Your Forest Property
Fire Science Core Curriculum