Union County Commissioner Position 1
Commissioner Paul Anderes grew up in a Timber family. After graduating from Roseburg High School, he attended Linn Benton Community College and later graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Oregon State University. Paul Started teaching Agriculture in Adrian, Oregon where he met and married his wife. After starting their family, they moved to La Grande in 1995.
Paul joined La Grande High School’s staff as Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor, teaching agriculture, welding, woods, forestry and one of Oregon’s first high school wildland fire courses for 23 years.
In 1997, the Anderes family welcomed their son.
For many summers, Paul would fight Wildland fire working for private contractors and most recently Grande Ronde Fire Zone of the La Grande Ranger District.
Paul enjoys hunting, fishing and alpine skiing.

Boards and Committees
- Airport Advisory Committee
- AOC Legislative Committee
- AOC Natural Resources Steering Committee
- AOC Public Lands Committee (Tri-Chair)
- AOC Transportation & Community Development (Chair)
- Blue Mountain Intergovernmental Council (BIC)
- Cherry Fruit Fly Board
- City of Elgin
- City of Imbler
- City of North Powder
- Eastern Oregon Counties Association (EOCA – Chair)
- Mt. Emily Recreation Area Committees (MERA)
- NACo Disaster Reform Taskforce
- NACo Alternate to the Wildland Fire Leadership Council
- NACo Public Lands Committee (Land Mgmt Sub Committee Chair)
- NACO Rural Action Caucus (RAC)
- Northeast Area Commission on Transportation (NEACT)
- Northeast Oregon Economic Development District (Alternate)
- Northeast Oregon Housing Authority
- Northern Blues Forest Collaborative
- Smoke Management Committee
- Union County Chamber of Commerce
- Union County Museum
- Union County Transportation Committee
Primary Liaison Designations
Designation as primary or initial contact does not preclude other Commissioner(s) involvement
Planning & Administration
4-H & Extension Service District
Natural Resource Issues
Forest Management
Public Works Department
- Airport
- Parks
- Roads