County Clerk & Recorder’s Office

Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Marriage & Passports by appointment only

The County Recorder is the County Archivist and the office of origination for property transfers. All public records (County Commissioners minutes, resolutions and orders) and all property transactions (deeds, mortgages, and assignments) are either filed or recorded in this office. The mission of the County Recorder is to file or record for public record all documents, as allowed by statute, in a timely manner and to provide continuity for other county offices using the information originating from each recording or filing.

The County Clerk conducts all elections held within the county, issues marriage licenses and serves as clerk to the Property Value Appeals Board. The County Clerk’s office also acts as a passport agent, thus proofs and transmits passport applications to a regional passport office.

Overall, the mission of the County Clerk and Recorder is to provide timely and efficient service to the people of Union County with the resources available.


Passport image

How to Apply for Passport
For Passport Applications please contact the County Clerks at 541-963-1006
For Passport Renewals please contact the County Clerks at 541-963-1006

Property Value Appeals Board

Union County Clerk
Lisa Feik, County Clerk
1001 Fourth Street, Suite D, La Grande, OR 97850
541-963-1006 Fax: 541-963-1013