Planning Department
Planning Director: Inga Williams
Assistant Planner: Lorcinda Johnston
Senior Office Specialist: Pam Hall
Monday through Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed for Lunch: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Driving Directions to Planning Department
1001 Fourth Street, Suite C, La Grande, OR 97850
Phone: 541-963-1014 Fax: 541-963-1039
Available Documents
Land Use Request Application
Temporary Medical Hardship Dwelling Information
Site Plan Example
ADU Information Sheet
Rural Fire Protection District Annexation LANDOWNER PACKET
Ag Exempt Form with Site Plan Requirements
Floodplain Development Permit
Baum Industrial Park Development, Performance and Maintenance Standards
La Grande/Union County Airport Light Industrial Park Development, Performance and Maintenance Standards
Union County Zoning, Partition, and Subdivision Ordinance
- Table of Contents 11-5-2015
- ARTICLE 1.00 Introductory Provisions and Definitions
- ARTICLE 2.00 A-1 Exclusive Farm Use Zone
- ARTICLE 3.00 A-2 Agriculture-Grazing Zone
- ARTICLE 4.00 A-3 Agriculture Forest Use Zone
- ARTICLE 5.00 A-4 Timber-Grazing Zone
- ARTICLE 6.00 R-1 Rural Center Zone
- ARTICLE 7.00 R-2 Rural Residential Use Zone
- ARTICLE 8.00 R-3 Farm Residential Zone
- ARTICLE 9.00 R-4 Forest Residential Zone
- ARTICLE 10.00 C-1 Commercial Zone
- ARTICLE 11.00 C-2 Commercial Interchange Zone
- ARTICLE 12.00 I-1 Light Industrial Use Zone
- ARTICLE 13.00 I-2 Heavy Industrial Use Zone
- ARTICLE 14.00 (PA) LaGrande Public Airport Zone
- ARTICLE 15.00 (SM) Surface Mining Zone
- ARTICLE 16.00 Airport Overlay Zone
- ARTICLE 17.00 Flood Plain Overlay Zone
- ARTICLE 18.00 LaGrande & Island City Urban Growth Area Overlay Zone
- ARTICLE 19.00 Elgin & North Powder Urban Growth Overlay Zones
- ARTICLE 20.00 Supplementary Provisions
- ARTICLE 21.00 Conditional Uses
- ARTICLE 22.00 Non Conforming Uses and Structures
- ARTICLE 23.00 Land Use Regulations & Land Use Plan Amendments
- ARTICLE 24.00 Application Review Procedures
- ARTICLE 25.00 Land Division Regulations
- ARTICLE 30.00 Variance
- ARTICLE 31.00 Performance Agreement
- ARTICLE 32.00 Review of Prior Approved Subdivisions
- ARTICLE 33.00 Fee Schedule
- ARTICLE 34.00 Appeals
- ARTICLE 35.00 Interpretation of Ordinance Provisions
- ARTICLE 36.00 Severability Clause
- ARTICLE 37.00 Penalty & Enforcement
- ARTICLE 38.00 Repealing Ordinance
- ARTICLE 39.00 Remedies
- ARTICLE 40.00 Surface Mining Impact Area Overlay Zone
- ARTICLE 50.00 Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) Overlay Zone
- ARTICLE 51.00 Medical Springs-Pondosa Rural Cluster Development Zone
- ARTICLE 52.00 Commercial Wind Power Generation Faciity Siting Requirements